Professor Pengeluaran HK Poker
I have a friend who likes to play against tough opponents because, she reasons, the tougher the competition the better her own game will become. What do you think about that? Jouster Dear Jouster, Well, it works for tennis. If you play against tougher opponents, your tennis game will certainly improve. But is that what you really want in poker? I don't think so. After all, the goal of the game is to win money, and while sharpening your skills will certainly help you realize that goal, playing against soft opponents works much, much better. If you're really interested in improving your game (and you should be) then spend your time studying poker books and using analytical tools and deconstructing your own play. Obviously you'd like to reach the point where all your opponents are weaker than you. But out there in the real world, the fact is that some foes will be much, much better. Avoid them while you can. That's not where the money lies. What is wi...